South Korea - English / 1JPY = 9.0030KRW
South Korea - English / 1JPY = 9.0030KRW

What are DOKODEMO Coupons

DOKODEMO Coupons can be used to apply a discount to the sale price of products or towards the shipping costs of an order.
By using coupons you can get great deals and discounts on your orders.

■ Get a DOKODEMO Coupon

To get and use coupons you need to sign into your DOKODEMO account
There are 2 ways to acquire and get coupons

1) Click "Get" Coupon

You can get a coupon from the coupon list or click on "Get Coupon" from the coupon details page.
Search for coupons from the coupon list

2) Enter a Coupon Code

Simply enter a coupon code you have received in the coupon code input screen.
Get a coupon by using coupon codes

■ How to check your acquired coupons list?

You can check the coupons you have acquired up to date from the "My Coupon" tab on your "My Page" settings.
See acquired coupons

Redeeming DOKODEMO Coupons

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Shipping Information for Each Region