United States - English / 1JPY = 0.0065USD
United States - English / 1JPY = 0.0065USD

Changing Your Account Settings & Information

You can change your account settings and information from your “My Page” by following the steps below.

Email Address

Change your email address from your “My Page” settings.
After you have made the change, you will receive an email confirmation, please click on the link included to verify the new email address.


Change your password from “My Page” settings.
If you forget your password, please reset your password.


You can register your language, country / region, gender, date of birth, a nickname and even choose an avatar from the profile settings on your “My Page”.

E-mail Newsletter Settings

There are two ways to change your e-mail newsletter settings.

  • Method 1 E-mail Newsletter Setting (Login required)
    Go to your My Page> Settings> Language Settings.
    Click-on the “Subscribe” button and then press the “Change” button to confirm the change.

  • Method 2 E-mail Newsletter Cancelation Page (No login required)
    To cancel your subscription or unsubscribe, enter the email address you want to cancel in the area provided.

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