United States - English / 1JPY = 0.0065USD
United States - English / 1JPY = 0.0065USD

Taiwan Shipping Information

Importing Pharmaceuticals

For those who ship medicine for personal use from overseas to Taiwan via mail or courier, the quantity of non-prescription medicine shall not exceed 12 bottles, 12 tubes or 1,200 tablets per shipment and you cannot receive duplicates within 6 months.

In addition, no more than two bottles/boxes of pharmaceuticals shall be imported per type. The total quantity shall not exceed six types in total. If the total quantity exceeds this limit, the applicant must apply for an import agreement with the Department of Health and Welfare of the Taiwan Food and Drug Administration (TFDA).
In addition, importation of medical devices into Taiwan requires an import license.
Please contact the Ministry of Health and Welfare for more information on the import agreement.

Reference Information

Customs Information

Personal mail items from overseas to Taiwan are exempt from duties on small imports of $2,000 TWD or less. For shipments of two or more units delivered from the same address to the same address and the same recipient on the same day, these shipments will be added together. Mail sent from the same address and delivered to the same address and recipient, and frequently mailed (in this case, [frequently] means [sent more than twice within a 30-day period or more than six times within a six-month period]) is not subject to the exemption provisions of the act.

About Real Name Certification (for ROC Citizens Only)

From May 16, 2009, in order to implement the requirement of customs declaration appointment, customs will check the appointment of express cargo by the customs clearance system. If an importer does not declare that he/she has obtained an appointment document from an importer and the importer is not verified by his/her name when making a customs declaration, the customs declaration will not be accepted and will not be accepted until the correction is made.
The main purpose of the customs to promote real-name authentication is to protect the personal information of the public. As the current appointment requirement for customs declaration is that the public has to present a paper declaration appointment letter and a copy of the front and back of their ID card to the express customs broker, or they have to provide a unified ID card number required for shipment by a foreign shopping platform or overseas shipper, which will expose their personal information to the whole transaction and shipping process and make them vulnerable to theft and illegal activities. The public is strongly encouraged to use the Real Name Authentication System and replace the ID card number with the mobile phone number for the personal identification number when declaring customs clearance.
The Real-name Authentication Platform provides a value-added service for the confirmation of the declaration appointment electronic message between the operator and the consignee. If the operator does not enter into a service contract with the Real-Name Authentication Platform, the operator of the Real-Name Authentication Platform has no right or obligation to store the declaration appointment electronic message on behalf of the operator or to compare and verify the declaration appointment electronic message with the customs clearance system online. When declaring imported goods, the certified courier operators are required to present the original paper authorization letter and a photocopy of the front and back of the identity card in accordance with the current regulations. To prevent the misuse of your personal information (e.g. photocopy of your ID card) by unscrupulous courier operators, customs encourages the public to choose a quality courier operator who participates in the real-name authentication service to file customs declarations for you.
In order to avoid fraudulent use of your personal information (e.g. photocopy of your ID card) by unscrupulous express couriers, we recommend that you provide your personal information to customs authorities.

Reference Information

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