South Korea - English / 1JPY = 9.0030KRW
South Korea - English / 1JPY = 9.0030KRW

How to Order

1. Add items to Your Cart

Select the items you wish to purchase and add them to your cart.
From your shopping cart, you can confirm the order total (items in cart + shipping fee).
To place your order, click on the [Checkout] button.

*You must have a DOKODEMO account to place an order.
If you have not yet registered, you must create an account.

2. Enter Your Shipping Address

Please enter the name, address, postal code and phone number of the recipient.
If your shipping address is already registered, you do not need to fill out this section and only need to confirm it.

*Please be sure to enter the shipping information in a language (using English characters) that the delivery person in your region/country can understand.

3. Choose Your Payment Method

Please choose your preferred payment method from the list.

4. Confirm Your Order

Please check all your order details and the payment amount before proceeding to the payment page.

5. Payment (International Transaction)

Please proceed with the payment method you selected.
Please refer to the payment instructions.

6. Order Placed

After your order is processed, you will receive an order code.
You will also receive an order confirmation email to your registered email address.

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Shipping Information for Each Region