대만 - 한국어 / 1JPY = 1.0000JPY
대만 - 한국어 / 1JPY = 1.0000JPY

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◆Delivering Japan's Best-Selling Products Worldwide!

DOKODEMO is an online shopping site that delivers Japanese products all over the world.
We offer the newest cosmetics, baby products, food items, and much more.

We want more people from around the world to try and fall in love with Japanese products.
It was from this idea that DOKODEMO was born. We welcome and encourage you to give these products a try.

◆Convenient Shopping & Customer Support!

Available in 4 languages (English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese, & Traditional Chinese)

Shopping is Easy and Convenient. We speak your language, so there's no need to worry about language barriers.

Secure Payment System

Our secure system enables quick & safe payment processing.

We gladly accept the following payment methods:

  • Credit Card (Visa/Mastercard)
  • PayPal
  • AFTEE (Available in Taiwan only)

◆First, Create an Account!

Account registration is free! Create one with only your name, email address, and password.
Be the first to hear the latest on new products and sales!

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