United States - English / 1JPY = 0.0070USD
United States - English / 1JPY = 0.0070USD

This product is a Class 1 drug. The availability of the product will be confirmed by a pharmacist prior to shipment. The shipping date may change depending on the status of the confirmation. Please be sure to read the " Precautions" and User's Guide "

" before purchasing.

P 5x Points Campaign Now Underway

Package Weight: 15g

[Class 1 drug] Gaster 10 <Powder> 6 packets


P Points Back: 49 Points(5%)

Package Weight: 15g

Coupons 【700JPY OFF】 Merchandise Cost
In Stock: 4
Purchase Limit: 2

In Stock:4 / Dispatch Estimate:2 Days

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