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Coenzyme Q10

Most people know that Coenzyme Q10 has anti-aging benefits but recently it is also attracting attention for its other more surprising benefits.
Coenzyme Q10 is abundant in both meat and fish, but to really feel its benefits you would need to eat a considerable amount of fish and meat.
Instead, have you ever considered taking Coenzyme Q10 as a supplement to help you live a more active balanced lifestyle.
Here we look at 3 ways taking Coenzyme Q10 supplements can benefit your health, your body and your skin:

  • Less Fatigue
    Coenzyme Q10 helps your body to produce energy more efficiently, reducing fatigue and helping you maintain a more youthful body.
    This benefit of reducing fatigue also means it can increase your stamina, endurance and thus your sports performance, which is why many athletes decide to take Coenzyme Q10 as a supplement.

  • Youthful Skin
    Coenzyme Q10 stimulates and activates the skin cells that produce collagen and helps to stabilize the production of skin cells. This in turn can improve the appearance of wrinkles, sagging and other general signs of ageing, helping you maintain more youthful skin.

  • Prevents Lifestyle-Related Diseases
    Coenzyme Q10 helps to suppress the lipid peroxidation process, reducing the damage that bad cholesterol can have on your body and helping to prevent Lifestyle related diseases such as arteriosclerosis and diabetes.