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United States - English / 1JPY = 0.0070USD

Product Reviews

FANCL Moist barrier W economical set of 3
FANCL Moist barrier W economical set of 3

1 - 3 Items / 3 Items

United States


2021-02-17 10:03:20


三个月了,$1000多美金东西到现在还是没有收到商品,帐户查询不出来,一直联系也没人回复!大家买东西小心上当! I spend more than $1000 US dollars during 2020 double 11, but after 4 months, I still didn’t receive anything. I sent a lot of messages, but they never reply. I think this website is a fraud

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United States


2020-12-11 14:10:03

FANCL モイストバリアW 徳用3個セット

Get amazing result to keep away from dryskin

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United States


2020-09-10 12:10:02

FANCL モイストバリアW 徳用3個セット

try it you will love it for the moisture of skin

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