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한국 - 한국어 / 1JPY = 8.7717KRW

A Special Collection of Dietary Supplements

For those of you concerned about holiday weight gain~
Don’t miss out this article introducing a variety of weight loss products!

Suppress Sugar & Fat Absorption

The FANCL Calolimit series has been labeled as “Food with Functional Claims'' by the Japanese government. It can suppress the absorption of sugars and fats in the food we consume.
For those of you who can’t say NO to your favorite food, give Calolimit a try!

Yeast & Enzyme

Enzymes improve the digestion and absorption of nutrients in our body by aiding chemical reactions to enhance metabolism in our body. On the other hand, yeasts break down the sugars in our food to alcohol and carbon dioxide, effectively preventing obesity and controlling the rise in blood sugar.

Reduce Body Fat & Weight

Naishitol has two functions to "break up" and "burn" fat. It then activates the body to excrete the fat through the person’s stool and thus aiding the body to lose weight.

Caring for Your Liver

Liver contributes to the detoxification and metabolism of your body and is the most metabolically active organ. Your skin health, weight loss, and immune system are closely connected to the well-being of your liver.
Let’s stay healthy by caring for your liver!

Carb Control

Replace your regular diet with these convenient carb control products.
They are great dietary support for your beauty and good health.