I accidentally tried this when I was a kid and I had been looking for it since then. I went to Japan when I was 18 and finally found this! Now that knowing I can buy them online I won't be needing to fly to japan lol. 小時候偶然吃過,後來就沒找到過。 18歲時去日本終於找到它了。現在在網上就能買到,不用直接去日本了哈哈。
2019-03-23 08:47:38
My childhood favourite 童年的最愛
I accidentally tried this when I was a kid and I had been looking for it since then. I went to Japan when I was 18 and finally found this! Now that knowing I can buy them online I won't be needing to fly to japan lol. 小時候偶然吃過,後來就沒找到過。 18歲時去日本終於找到它了。現在在網上就能買到,不用直接去日本了哈哈。