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United States - English / 1JPY = 0.0064USD

Combined Order/Payment Service Termination and Service Improvement Notice

2023-12-12 11:00:00

Combined Order/Payment Service Termination and Service Improvement Notice

Thank you for your continued support of DOKODEMO.

DOKODEMO is always working hard to improve the service we provide based on the feedback from our many loyal customers. This time, we would like to make an announcement regarding our payment services.

We have decided to terminate the combined order and payment service from now on in order to improve our service as a whole.

Our combined order/payment service allowed customers to order from multiple sellers and settle the payment in one transaction. However, as the order combined different sellers and the purchased products were shipped out directly by each seller, the shipping fee appeared expensive to most customers. Therefore we have decided to terminate all combined order and payment services.

On the other hand, there were also some concerns that terminating our combined order/payment service may make it harder for customers to get all the items they want. To counter this concern, we have worked hard to ensure popular sellers continue to increase the number of products they offer, which will allow customers to get the items they want without having to order from multiple sellers.

We hope these changes will improve your shopping experience on our website and make it easier to get the products you want or need.
Thank you for the opportunity to serve you.

DOKODEMO Operational Support